ClickMagick Review

ClickMagick is a powerful web-based software which allows business owners to optimize and measure their marketing moves through tracking/monitoring their click links, this will give insights of activity and on how to increase conversions which will result in making more money.
ClickMagick will provide you information regarding traffic sources & quality. There are many advanced features and a wide range of tools ensuring that you can take your business to the next level!

What Are The Key Features of ClickMagick?

Link Tracking: This is the main feature of ClickMagick as it will monitor engagement and gather data effectively. All the functionality you will need to track links will be available with ClickMagick. Some of these include being able to segment tracking links through calendar on the relevant dashboard. ‘Pixels’ can be tracked using conversion code available on the page. However, if you are with a major ad network you might not be able to access ‘Pixel’ tracking.

You can track conversions using Sub-ID tracking as well as Postback URLs which are the most accurate method to track sales. ClickMagick’s system can be informed to automatically notify when there are changes to your engagement conversion rate, action conversion rate, sales conversion rate, earnings per click etc.

Split Testing Links: Split testing can be done with two tracking methods; Campaigns & Tracking Links. Tests can be optimized for- Actions, Engagements, Sales, Earnings Per Click, Manual Test. Actionable information is provided to improve your testing experience. When split testing you can also Create Dynamic Code, Add Tracking Code, have Advanced Features for Tracking Sales Funnels, Input Traffic Cost Per Type, Add Various URL Types, do Geotargeting, and Filter for Bots or Abusive comments.

Link Tracking with Rotators: A feature that will send clicks to multiple/different URLs, the four different ‘Rotator Modes’ available are; Fulfillment, where the clicks are only sent to the first URL in the rotator. The rotator can be re-entered until it has reached the specified number of unique clicks. Spillover, where the clicks are sent to each URL in the rotator one after the other. Random, where the clicks are sent randomly to all active URLs. Sequential, where the clicks are sent to a URL sequentially.

Bot Filtering: ClickMagick provides the ability to block bots, you can choose to block or filter fake clicks using the VPN present on the tracking tool. Affiliate links can be kept safe by segmenting/banning traffic by location or IP address.

Traffic: You can track & segment clicks by the traffic source as well as traffic quality using the funnel tracking software, this also allows you to easily identify organic traffic which is a plus for those buying/selling traffic.

Real-Time Reporting: Reporting in real-time will give you even more stats, there are reports on ‘Conversions by Time’, ‘Custom Stats Report’, ‘Daily Breakdown Report’, ‘Flagged Click Report’, ‘Sub-ID Stats Report’.

There are many other features available with ClickMagick, these are just some of the main ones we picked out.

Pros & Cons


  • Great customer support
  • Easy to navigate dashboards
  • Wide range of features to track and optimise your marketing
  • Ability to track other websites
  • Tutorials to explain split testing
  • Entire sales funnels can be tracked using campaigns & rotators
  • Affordable pricing
  • Great reports


  • You will need to use the Knowledge Base to understand the platform in depth
  • As there is a lot of functionality available there will be a lot of learning involved


There is a 14-day free trial that you can sign up to with ClickMagick, this will allow you to test out the platform for free before committing to a paid plan. This will give you access to a lot of it’s features.

You will have to sign up to the free trial using your bank card details, if you do not cancel your account before the trial surpasses 14 days your card will be charged.

The three plans available are;

The Starter Plan – which is priced at $37 a month, this plan is perfect for those new marketers on a budget that want basic tracking. Included in this plan are 10,000 clicks a month, Real-Time Stats & KPIs, 1 Team Member, Unlimited Conversions, Core TrueTracking Features, Funnel Tracking of 1 Project, 2 Custom Domains, etc

The Standard Plan – which is the most popular plan is priced at $77 a month, included in this plan are 100,000 clicks a month, Real-Time Stats & KPIs, 3 Team Members, Unlimited Conversions, Core TrueTracking™ Features, Cross-Device Tracking, Advanced Attribution Models, Phone/Offline Sales Tracking, Audience Optimization™, Facebook Conversions API, PPC Click Shield™, Funnel Tracking – 5 Projects, 10 Custom Tracking Domains, 1-Year Data Retention, 2-Hour Helpdesk support, Fanatical Live Chat support, 1-On-1 Onboarding Call, “I’m Stuck!” Phone Support, Paid Traffic Courses.

The Pro Plan – The final plan, which is priced at $197 a month, everything in the Standard Plan is included as well as 1M clicks a month, Unlimited Team Members, Unlimited Funnel Tracking, Unlimited Custom Domains, “Done For You” Support and 2-Year Data Retention.


ClickMagick is a great platform to invest in, there is great functionality and features available as you will get concise information for successful tracking. The plans are reasonably priced to suit various budgets and with a 14 day free trial you have nothing to lose, so give it a try!

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